Postgraduate ARS University

Factors Affecting Consumer Buying Decision of Flower Bouquet: A Case Study of Online Florist Business

  1. Doni Purnama Alamsyah
Publish Date
26 Desember 2021
Seminar Internasional [Lainnya]
Proceedings of the International Conference on Industrial & Mechanical Engineering and Operations Management
City / Country
Dhaka / Bangladesh
The growth of the flower bouquet industry and low barriers to entry have made many new entrants enter this industry and made the level of competition in this industry high. Nevertheless, the potential of this industry is still attractive to the entrance. The customer focusing is the key to surviving in this industry, such as knowing what makes customers decide to buy some bouquet. Consumer buying decisions are essential things that every business must pay attention to win the competition and maintain their existence and position in the market. This research focuses on case study analysis to find out what factors significantly influence consumer buying decisions at Hello Yeppo flower bouquet business to be further optimized as a competitive advantage to increase sales and face competition. The research was conducted by distributing questionnaires to the targets to obtain qualitative data. The number of samples used in this study was 100 respondents with the purposive sampling technique. Data were analyzed by used descriptive analysis. This study concludes that product customization, the accordance of price to benefit, interesting promotion content, fast production process and beautiful and neat arrangement is the main indicator that influences consumer buying decisions at Hello Yeppo that should be optimized to increase sales and face the competition.This research is significant to small businesses learning and adopting the result for their flower bouquet business.