Postgraduate ARS University

Individual Performance of Students in Online Learning Environments: Study of User Satisfaction

  1. Doni Purnama Alamsyah
Publish Date
31 Agustus 2023
Seminar Internasional [Lainnya]
2023 10th International Conference on Information Technology, Computer, and Electrical Engineering (ICITACEE)
City / Country
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Investigation on e-learning is important, especially user satisfaction in support of student academic performance. Evaluation of user satisfaction can be measured by evaluating perceived quality on the user’s side, so this research aims to investigate the role of perceived quality over online learning on User satisfaction. Users of online learning targeted are students because students have experience and knowledge of the implementation of online learning at the university. Collected data and information from students related to satisfaction with online learning through online questionnaires. 615 students filled out questionnaires, then questionnaire data was processed quantitatively through SPSS with statistical testing based on research hypotheses. Three factors essentially increase user satisfaction in online learning, regarding the system, service, and information. Student satisfaction can be improved when supported by information on the platform. The role of a platform regarding information in the online learning context is important, a measure that explains the quality of information among other things useful, understandable, interesting, and reliable. Research findings provide important information for universities as organizers of education, aimed at attaining information quality related to online learning.