Postgraduate ARS University

Mediation Model of E-Learning Satisfaction

  1. Doni Purnama Alamsyah
Publish Date
26 Januari 2022
Seminar Internasional [Lainnya]
2023 International Conference On Cyber Management And Engineering (CyMaEn)
City / Country
Bangkok / Thailand
Student satisfaction is a concern for universities related to the e-learning method. Satisfaction behavior can control over the continued use of e-learning at universities. Regarding to the research problem on students satisfaction in online learning, the research aims to investigate the e-learning satisfaction model of students. The study was carried out by investigating the advocate from e-learning quality and the level of student continuance intention on e-learning method. The research method used on the online learning is a survey of user who use e-learning at universities. There were 491 experience user who filled out the questionnaire. The questionnaires were tabulated and processed using SmartPLS, with model testing regarding to hypothesis development. The findings of the research explained that there is a model that supports increasing student continuance intention on the online platform. Can be stated the e-learning quality has a positive correlation with student satisfaction. Another finding is that there is a good relationship between e-learning quality and student continuance intention. E-learning satisfaction directly correlated with the intention of the stundent to continue use. From the research model it was found that e-learning satisfaction can be the full mediate between the quality of e-learning and continuance intention the student. The research knowledge have benefits for universities in evaluating the employment of the online learning method.