Postgraduate Program ARS University


Kelangsungan suatu usaha dapat ditentukan dari kualiatas suatu layanan yang diberikan kepada konsumenya. Apabila konsumen puas maka usaha tersebut akan bertahan dan berkembang berkesinambungan. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk memberikan strategi peningkatan kualitas pelayanan pada usaha... More

Sustainable Marketing Strategy: The Psychological Factors of Consumer

The purpose of this study is to discuss the concept of consumer psychological factors in selecting products, services or assessing the company's brand. The study was conducted qualitatively by comparing previous theoretical studies, as well as analysis to find the concept of psychological factors.... More

Product Packaging in Support of Consumer Loyalty

The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship of advertising and product packaging on consumer loyalty. The study was conducted by looking at consumer perceptions of products that have size variants. This study uses a quantitative survey of self-service retail consumers in Bandung,... More

Membangun Sikap Moral Pemimpin yang Berintegritas

Semua orang bisa menjadi pemimpin, namun tidak semua orang dapat menjadi pemimpin yang berintegritas. Oleh karena itu, dibutuhkan pengetahuan yang memadai untuk dapat menjadi pemimpin yang bisa menjadi panutan anggotanya. Oleh karena itu, Program Studi ... More

Mewujudkan Generasi Berkarakter dan Berjiwa Wirausaha Pada Anggota Ikatan Remaja Masjid (IRMA) Jawa Barat

Generasi milenial merupakan aset bangsa yang perlu dikuatkan dengan menanamkan nilai-nilai moral agama, sehingga dapat mewujudkan pribadi yang berkarakter dan sejahtera. Masjid sebagai sarana ibadah, juga dapat meningkatkan keimanan, ketaqwaan, pendidikan, dan keterampilan para santri. Santri... More

Digital Marketing: Implementation of Digital Advertising Preference to Support Brand Awareness

Management information system is important to be part of company operation. Its implementation through digital marketing in marketing side. Based on digital marketing issue, so this study aims to examine the position of digital advertising preference as the implementation of digital marketing on... More

The concept model of e-trust in sustainable marketing

The purpose of this study is to examine the concept of e-trust as part of consumer behavior and its relationship with e-service quality, e-satisfaction, and e-loyalty. The research is conducted with a qualitative descriptive analysis approach through previous research studies and theories. The... More

Pengaruh Kompetensi Manajerial dan Kompetensi Supervisi Kepala Sekolah Terhadap Kinerja Guru SMK Negeri di Kabupaten Bandung Barat

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The strategy of eco-friendly products with green consumer behavior: Development of green trust model

Green consumer behavior is a marketer's concern because of the value of environmental sustainability—a study of green consumer behavior as a part of facing the climate change issue. Based on the phenomenon of green consumer behavior, this study focuses on examining the green trust model as... More

Utilization Of Technology and Perceived Complexity

This study examines the level of utilization of information technology in the education industry through perceived<br /> complexity. The study was conducted on 75 human resources who have IT backgrounds in higher education. Data<br /> from respondents were obtained through quantitative... More