Postgraduate Program ARS University
MM ARS University Plays an Active Role in Community Service with Leuwi Nutug Floating Net Fish Farmers Group in Cililin District

MM ARS University Plays an Active Role in Community Service with Leuwi Nutug Floating Net Fish Farmers Group in Cililin District

In an effort to promote community development and sustainable practices, the Master of Management program at Adhirajasa Reswara Sanjaya University has partnered with the Leuwi Nutug Floating Net Fish Farmers Group in Cililin District. This initiative aims to enhance the livelihoods of local fish farmers and promote environmentally-friendly aquaculture practices.

The partnership between the Master of Management program and the Leuwi Nutug Floating Net Fish Farmers Group reflects a commitment to community engagement and knowledge exchange. Through this collaboration, students and faculty will work alongside fish farmers to identify challenges, develop improvement strategies, and implement sustainable solutions.

"ARS University's Master of Management program is committed to fostering positive change in local communities through collaborative efforts," said Prof. Dr. Purwadhi, M.Pd., Rector of ARS University. "Our partnership with the Leuwi Nutug Floating Net Fish Farmers Group is an excellent opportunity for our students to apply their academic knowledge in real-world settings while making a meaningful impact."

The Leuwi Nutug Floating Net Fish Farmers Group, consisting of dedicated individuals passionate about aquaculture, welcomes the collaboration with ARS University. Together, they will focus on various aspects of fish farming, including breeding techniques, feed management, disease prevention, and market access.

"We are very excited to partner with ARS University and leverage their expertise to enhance our fish farming practices," said Asep, a representative from the Leuwi Nutug Floating Net Fish Farmers Group. "This collaboration will not only benefit our members but also contribute to the sustainable development of our community."

Through workshops, training sessions, and collaborative projects, the Master of Management program at ARS University aims to empower the Leuwi Nutug Floating Net Fish Farmers Group with the knowledge and skills needed to thrive in a competitive market while maintaining environmental stewardship.