Pascasarjana ARS University

Isu strategis dalam manajemen teknologi informasi pada pelayanan medis di rumah sakit

  1. Mira Veranita
  2. H. Purwadhi
  1. Ni Made Ratih Purnama Dewi
  2. Aryo Wibisono
  3. Indah Yuliarni
  4. M. Ikhsan
  5. Ryan Avila Johannes
  6. Eti Rohmayati Suheri
Tanggal Terbit
17 Januari 2024
Jurnal Nasional Terakreditasi [SINTA 5]
Kota / Negara
- / -
Volume 55, Number 1 2024
Background: Health information technology is useful in improving health outcomes, service quality and patient health service experiences. Hospitals as a service facility have an important role in information technology management. However, the health information system component as one part of the National Health System (SKN) is starting to weaken. This literature review aims to analyze strategic issues in information technology management in medical services in hospitals.

Method: The articles published in this literature study are in Indonesian and English with a maximum publication limit of the last 5 years. Article screening was carried out after the literature study process by considering the relevance of the data and obtained 79 valid library sources.

Results and Discussion: Strategic issues of IT management in medical services in hospitals can be analyzed using analysis of the internal IS/IT environment, external IS/IT environment, internal business environment, and external business environment. IS/IT strategic planning is SWOT and value chain analysis. The results of this analysis will produce recommendations for IT management strategies for medical services in hospitals in the form of IS business, IS/IT management, IT strategy, and application portfolio. The results of the analysis and strategic recommendations have been formulated in several previous studies and indicate the importance of IT management in medical services in hospitals.

Conclusion: This writing uses the literature study method. The articles used have been published in national and international journals on search engines such as Google Scholar, Pubmed, and Sciencedirect.